Celebrating 109 years calicut co-operative urban bank

Vision & Mission

The Calicut Co-operative Urban Bank Ltd. No. 1538 is registered as a co-operative bank under Indian Act II of 1912. The bank has started its banking functions in the year 1916. The Calicut Co-operative Urban Bank is a RBI Licenced Co-operative urban bank with a standing of 90 years. It has a Head Office and 6 branches (Seventh branch will be inaugurated in February 2011). It is the leading Urban Bank in Kerala. The Bank was computerised in the year 1997 under TBA and presently forwarding to implement Core Banking system for next generation banking.

The Bank has fine tuned its services to cater to the needs of various sections of the society and bank is offering a variety and fast service to the public. The products and services offered by the bank include Demand Deposit, Time Deposit, Short Term and Medium Term Loans to retail trade, self employment purposes and other services like Lockers, Daily Collections etc.

A well functioning financial system facilitates efficient allocation of resources from savers to investors to promote economic growth. Within the financial system, the banking system has an important role, in the growth of National Income through the identification and funding of productive activities.

The banking industry has under gone a transformation since the early 1990's. The impact of deregulation, advances in information technology and globalization were tremendous. It has increased competitive pressures,

  • which have:-
    • Unleashed the strong forces of restructuring and consolidation, with the number of banks crashing all over the world.
    • Prompted banks to seek new sources of revenue beyond traditional products.

The thrust of the banking sector reforms was on increasing operational efficiency by strengthening the prudential and supervisory norms, removing external constraints, creating competitive conditions and developing the technologies and institutional infrastructure. The impact of the reform measures is reflected in an improvement in profitability, financial health, soundness and overall efficiency of the banking sector. Banks have been able to maintain or increase their capital adequacy ratio, despite the sharp increase in their risk-weighted assets.

  • The Indian banking system is currently passing through a crucial phase. The major issues faced by the Indian banking sector could be identified as-
    • Mobilising resources to sustain and even accelerate the current economic growth momentum.
    • Implementation of basel II norms with effect from March 31, 2009
    • The emergence of complex financial products, which pose several supervisory challenges and (iv) The need to extend financial services to the large number of people, who continue to remain outside the banking system

To meet the challenges thrown of by the new environmental factors and diversification, we have started upgrade the technology and adopt core banking. We have to diversify our activities by entering into insurance, asset management and investment banking.

  • New opportunities
    • Branch licensing (including ATMs)
    • Tie up with insurance and mutual fund companies to market their products.
    • Trading in Government securities.
    • Net banking facility (RTGS & NEFT payment system)
  • Challenges :
    • Computerisation – Net working
    • Skill Up gradation
    • Maintaining Investment in government security at 25% of NDTL [from 01.04.2011]
    • Improving internal control systems
    • Maintaining CAMELS rating standard.